
Aidan Bissett: The Art of Authenticity

Aidan Bissett, featured in MARVIN Issue 14, speaks on the art of authenticity and how his upcoming music is his most personal yet.

We had the chance to ask him the MARVIN rapid fire questions.

When was the first time you realized you wanted to be a musician?

The first concert I went to really inspired me to immerse myself in music. There was something about having a shared emotional experience with a large group of people that had me hooked.

What’s the first album that made you fall in love with music?

Parachutes by Coldplay What’s your go-to karaoke song? Either Mr. Brightside by The Killers, or High and Dry by Radiohead

Which artists have influenced your career?

Radiohead, David Bowie, The Cure, The Strokes, Prince

Who do you dream of collaborating with?

I would love to collaborate with Rostam, Gracie Abrams, Chris Martin, Thom Yorke

Where (location-wise) do you get the most creative inspiration?

I don’t feel most inspired in studios, I love recording music in homes because it feels a bit more familiar and almost safer. I like creation to feel intimate. I am also a big fan of nature so anywhere I can escape into trees helps creativity.

What media are you consuming right now (reading/watching/listening to)?

I’m reading a book called Red Rising which is very good. I also watch a lot of movies and TV. I’ve been watching White lotus which has been incredibly captivating.

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever gotten?

A friend/mentor showed me the importance of authenticity through artistry. He said “If you are to fail at least fail being yourself”. Basically just saying that you will always feel the most fulfilled when you create art with your own vision in mind.

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